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Addiction: Year of origin: 1595–1605; the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice, or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm Happy to Become an Old Hag! Get Over It!

Sometimes it stresses a woman beyond the point of crazy to know she is about to be in a confrontation. Now there are those who are pathetic with the “keep the peace” mindset which actually translates as “walk all over me just as long as we both smile and act happy.” I’m not speaking to you. You seem like a coward to me.

I am speaking to the women who believe anger in and of itself is not wrong. It's even a tool sometimes. It’s what you do with the anger that determines right or wrong - as well as what you’ll immediately face. And here lately, it seems by that point I’m already swinging.

Some of us are slow to anger. Nothing wrong with that, I fit in this category as well. No, I do! Problem is, when I finally get to the angry point, I boil over and end up telling off the customer service chic who won’t return the freakin’ present I didn’t want anyway, letting loose a typhoon that started the day before with the lawn care guy.

She begins to look confused around the “When I specifically said NOT to cut over the monkey grass, it’s all that I can keep *#$$*@! alive in the whole #%$@ yard!”

I have become easier to be around, I think. I am growing more tolerant to . . . . Okay, I’m sugar–coating. No, I’m down–right lying. The truth is, the older I get, the less tolerance I have to idiots who have the IQ of a jar of mayonnaise. I believe in a give & take type set-up within relationships, and the very few women I believe deserve my complete loyalty and upmost respect as my true friends will tell you I’m right. They smirk when they say it, but they freakin’ say it.

I don’t know, Girls, give me some input. Is it so wrong to realize that being a high – riding bitch keeps the morons away from your house? I mean they even cross to the other side of the street when walking their idiot dogs! And turning thirty-nine next month, I think I’m about to decide my future as a mean old hag! And no, I do not mean I am prejudice when I say “less tolerant.” I mean there are idiots in my race, your race, his race, her race, and I just can’t seem to get along with the member of any race here lately!

Don’t hold back, Ladies, I’m very opinionated and value truthful opinions from others. Weak, sniffling “you hurt my feewings” people are useless to me, so don’t think I’ll lose sleep over you speaking your mind. I need to know . . . . am I too much of a bitch?

’Cause I see being too much of a bitch as “never can have too much of a good thing, Darlin!”

Monday, January 4, 2010

Attempting to Give a Damn

Most of the time, this is what we are met with in society.

Nobody gives a damn.

Truth From the Stem
The Toxicity of Drug Addiction
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"The power painkiller OxyContin is being abused by more and more people across United States. The heroin-like effects of the drug attract both legitimate and illegitimate users. Although the diversion and abuse of OxyContin appeared initially in the eastern U.S., it has now spread to the western U.S. including Alaska and Hawaii. As a result, OxyContin-related adverse health effects increased markedly in recent years."

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