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Drugsense: Drug Law Reform Weekly News
The Senate on Tuesday sent to the governor House Bill 512, which supporters say is designed to curtail the state's escalating meth activity. The House earlier passed the bill. Gov. Haley Barbour said he would sign the bill.
The law would go into effect July 1. Oregon passed a similar law in 2006.
Barbour said the new law would "make it more difficult to obtain the ingredients for this drug that tears families apart and harms many of our communities. Meth labs threaten public safety, and I don't think there is any doubt we will see a drop in the number of labs in our state."
Not everyone is pleased about the bill. Letha Wiley, 62, of Sardis said putting the restrictions on pseudoephedrine, a decongestant, won't stop meth addicts.
"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Everybody can't afford to go to the doctor," Wiley said. "( Addicts ) are going to do what they want to do. Lawmakers have got more important issues to deal with."
This is the thing… the fact that there will be fewer meth labs if cold meds can only be obtained by prescription is an absolute certainty. And though my friends at seem to think it is something the government should not do, the fewer meth labs, the better off we all are.
Except…. an addict will find drugs when they want to get high. “Shake and Bake” is nothing like the real meth from yesteryear, and the ice that is out and about is a freaking joke. But labs and cooks, unfortunately, will adapt, will find another source of pseudoephedrine, and we’ll all be back here talking about it next year or so.
Many crack addicts turned to Shake and Bake and have actually become a bit better, though I absolutely do not advocate its use. I simply believe there are more pressing issues. But anyhoo…. pseudo ban - - - coming to a state near you!!